Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Framework for Prayer

Back in the Fall I started reading this book with two other pastors from our church and two teachers that teach at WCA. When I was in seminary I was fortuante enough to get to read quite a bit of Carson, but it was much more academic than this book. While Carson here speaks of a spiritual reformation, I would call it a spiritual revolution because of its impact in my prayer life. I don't want to broadcast the intimate details of my prayer life here because I believe that it would not be appropriate. However, one thing that I will mention because of this book is that this has not simply given me a "breath of fresh air" to my prayer life, but has rather given me a new framework from which to pray. I wish that I could say that I have perfectly put it into practice, but if that were true then I could also scale walls like a spider.
Carson shows from the prayers of Paul how the apostle structured his prayers and how he prayed. It's challenging to see how we typically pray vs how he did. It especially reveals our priorities and what we find important. I am challenged in each chapter that I read. My hope is that as I read and try to apply what I'm learning, that my prayers will change, not because of any formula that I'm following, but because my heart, by the Spirit, is aligning itself more with the priorities of the Spirit. May this bless you as well.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps the best lesson we can learn from Paul's prayer life is to 'pray without ceasing.'

tfgramma said...

what a fun new way to connect! I really enjoy this because it allows a way to see what you are thinking and doing.. some little bodies seem to take up most of my time while visiting... and so I love this! Can't help but remember that little boy while reading any of the postings!
Love, Mom