Monday, February 18, 2008

Grab Your Whip & Fedora

Unless you have been living under a rock, then you know that the trailer to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull came out on Valentines Day. While Spider-Man will always have the #1 spot in my childhood heart, Indiana Jones will forever be a very close second. It seemed to be easier to predend that I was Indy than Spidey, because all I needed was an old hat of my dad's and a broken fan belt from the car. I don't know how many time I recreated the truck chase from Raiders of the Lost Ark in our front yard. I will never forget our summer trip to Montana and finding a real whip in a gift shop! My #1 Christmas present of all time was getting the 12 inch Indy figure when I was told before Christmas that mom was having trouble finding one. I still kick myself for getting rid of that one by the way. Trying for weeks to convince my mom to let me see this, only to have success when she learns that it's rated PG and not R. Ah memories. Anyway this trailer brought tingles to my spine and a tear to my eye. May 22 cannot get here soon enough. You can check it out for yourself at Yahoo Movies.

Summer Movies!!!!!

I love summer because I get to go inside a nice cool theater and enjoy movies. January to May can be a wasteland for a movie lover like me, but Cloverfield was a notable exception, so I anticipate the summer movie season a lot. Here are the handful of movies that I will be sure to see this summer:

1. Iron Man- May 2
2. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- May 22
3. The Incredible Hulk- June 13
4. The Happening- June 13
5. Hellboy 2- July 11
6. The Dark Knight- July 18
7. Star Wars: The Clone Wars- August 15th

I'm sure there may be a few more that I'll go see, but these are the ones on my radar right now.

Truth Made Simple

The Elders at Westminster Presbyterian are going through this book as part of our training. What I really like about this book is that Sproul does a great job of making the complex understandable and accesable to everyone. I can appreciate it because it takes our doctrinal standards found in the Westminster Confession of Faith and explains them in words that anyone could understand and appreciate. It's deep enough to take your time reading and contemplating, but also easy for anyone to read and understand, even without going to seminary!